The writer’s experience and the picture photographed during a Bangalore - Calicut - Kottayam road trip is the basis for this scribbling
When we stop in the middle of nowhere and look back, finding a lacuna in our journeys past.
He was driving through a forest. The flora and fauna acknowledged the visitor who passed by. His eyes suddenly struck on the rear-view mirror of his vehicle and he stopped the car in the middle of nowhere. He saw the image of the road — long and bare… the road that he had journeyed — nothing more, nothing less. But then, he couldn’t just keep gazing. There were miles to go, and so he made his way forward.
There are times in life when we get stuck in the middle of nowhere with ‘long and bare images’ of life trodden. As if life was not worth living… as if we hadn’t accomplished anything… as if all that we did, was ‘nothing’ after all! At times such as these, when our past haunts us and keeps us numb and blank, forget not to just move forward.
The ‘not so good images’ which we recollect through the rear-view mirrors of our lives, are also remnants of our journeys thus far. When we stop in the middle of nowhere and look back, finding a lacuna in our journeys past; remember that there is a journey forward, and that we need to move on to complete the journey, for it doesn’t end until we give up on it. Forward folks, for there are miles to go!